We pioneer a convenient peanut oral immunotherapy treatment (OIT) using Palforzia, following a programme of gradually increasing doses.
Our peanut OIT programme fits around your family.
A 12-month programme costs only £9,900. You will be fully supervised by our team throughout.
Dr Andrew Clark is a key opinion leader in paediatric allergy practice. He has led pivotal clinical trials in peanut oral immunotherapy and supervised peanut allergy treatment for over 300 children in Cambridge.
Convenient, bespoke treatments for children with peanut allergy
OIT aims to desensitize your immune system to peanut allergens. By gradually increasing the amount of peanut protein you consume, your body can build a tolerance, with the aim of reducing the severity of allergic reactions to accidental peanut ingestion. We use a medicinal form of peanut powder that is taken daily in food (Palforzia).
The total treatment package cost is currently £9,900 which is paid in two instalments. This includes all drug products, consultations and support up to 12m total treatment for the standard regimen. The initial consultation cost is £300 for face to face, and £180 for a video call, the remainder is paid should you decide to proceed.
Clinical trials have shown promising results for peanut OIT. Studies indicate that:
However, individual responses vary, and success cannot be guaranteed for everyone. Looking at clinical and laboratory features, it is not possible to predict who will respond to treatment.
Oral immunotherapy is suitable for the majority of peanut allergic people, but it not suitable for everyone. This treatment is not recommended for patients who:
Dr Clark has the longest experience of anyone in the UK in treating patients with peanut OIT. He ran the first ever published clinical trial of peanut OIT in 99 children with peanut allergy, which sparked the current interest in this treatment. He has then gone on to personally treat over 200 children with peanut OIT in the Cambridge Peanut Allergy Clinic over the past eight years.
As with any treatment, peanut OIT carries potential side effects. These can range from mild to severe and may include:
Mild Side Effects:
Moderate Side Effects:
Severe Side Effects:
In clinical trials of peanut OIT, a small number of children (<3%) developed a condition known as eosinophilic oesophagitis. This presents with difficulty swallowing and food sticking in the throat. It is treated with swallowed medication and resolves in most cases. If this develops then the peanut immunotherapy regimen will need to stop.
The regimen involves a structured schedule of updosing, spread over several months, followed by a maintenance phase. Once the updosing phase is complete, you will take a regular maintenance dose daily until a total of one year of treatment has been achieved. After completing one year of total treatment, you will be offered the opportunity to transition to eating retail peanut products (e.g. peanut butter) regularly to maintain tolerance. We will guide you how to do this at home. Your ongoing care will be returned to your usual healthcare provider. You may opt to continue to be looked after by our team, and continue to take product, at additional cost.
Yes, some patients may need to adjust, reduce, or slow down their treatment updosing schedule due to side effects or illness. This will be managed through discussion with us. We may advise restarting on a lower dose, possibly with a slower regimen. This approach ensures that the treatment is personalized to your specific needs and tolerance.
Our allergy specialist team will guide you through the process and address any questions or concerns. You will have regular video calls and they will be available during office hours to discuss dose alterations or other issues regarding your treatment. You will have a dedicated communication channel with our allergy specialist during office hours to discuss any reactions or dose alterations.
During the OIT regimen, you should:
Avoid Strenuous Exercise: For about 1-2 hours after taking the daily dose, avoid vigorous physical activity or hot showers / baths, which can increase the risk of side effects.
Maintain Consistent Dosing: Try to make a routine for taking your dose in a protected time each day. It is important not to take doses late at night. Additionally, take your dose with a little food as advised by our allergy specialist.
Supervise dosing: the dose should be administered by a parent, who should stay with the child for 2 hours after dosing.
Treat any reactions: We will rehearse your emergency treatment protocols with you. You must carry oral antihistamines and adrenaline devices, and be prepared to treat any side effects of treatment.
Handle Illnesses Carefully: If you experience an intercurrent illness, such as a fever, vomiting or a flare up of asthma or hay fever, skip the dose for that day. Our allergy specialist will guide you on how to restart the regimen.
Control asthma or allergic rhinitis (hayfever): If you have these conditions, they must be very well controlled. Poorly controlled allergic disease increases the likelihood of a reaction to peanut OIT dosing.
Stay Informed: Fill in the online diary of doses and any reactions you experience. Report any concerns to one of our allergy specialists promptly.
We are based in Cambridge.
Just message us at info@privateallergyclinic.com and we will arrange a consultation
We are working on a convenient home based regimen for other allergens. Register your interest at info@privateallergyclinic.com and check back here for updates.